Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ruffle Butts and Toe Blooms

Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4

The past few days have been a whirl wind for me and my emotions.  I am not very good at expressing myself through words so bare with me.  Let me take you back to a year ago when we were looking for an adoption agency.  I had spent many months trying to figure out the who, whats, and where of adoption.  After much prayer and many closed doors, God lead us to Christian Homes in Abilene, Texas.  So, it looked like a domestic infant adoption was God’s plan.  We had prayed through age, race, medical conditions, and finally gender.  When I first talked to Christian Homes they were so nice and I connected with them immediately, I knew this was the agency.  Then I asked if we could specify gender and they said no.  I cried while the sweet lady on the other end of the phone began to explain how they pray over ever birthmother, baby, and adoptive family and let God design the family. Wow! I immediately felt God’s spirit fill me with peace that He knew my desires and He knew best.  That did not mean I would not pray fervently for a baby girl.  I often would second guess my heart.  I could certainly relate to boys ( I have 3 of them) and was very comfortable with them.  Girls made me nervous and at times I felt very awkward around them.  

Now, let’s fast forward a year later, we know that a baby girl is joining our family.  It is time for me to freak out; I have nothing pink.  I head out to this baby store my sister-in-law recommended.  As I open the door, full of excitement and fear I immediately feel like I am going to hyperventilate. I have never seen so much stuff!!! Those of you that have girls, how do you do it?  There are so many decisions for just one outfit.  I actually had to tell the lady I was overwhelmed and would have to come back later.  A few days later I tried again and wanted to share with you a few things I discovered.  For just one outfit you could buy a bow/flower, headband, outfit, leggings, ruffle butts (one of my favorite things), and shoes or toe blooms (very interesting).  How do you match it all? How do you afford it all? Most important which one outfit do you want? 

God has truly blessed me with a whole new adventure.  She may never have all these things or maybe just a few. :)  She will be absolutely beautiful, the way God created her. Thank you Jesus! 


Ruffle Butts

Toe Blooms


Heathahlee said...

You are going to have so much fun getting stuff from all the "aunts" and "uncles" you probably won't have to buy much! :) Tell me again what the room is going to look like!

Brenda said...

How funny. I totally understand and now you see why Zoe doesn't wear all the girlie girl stuff. It's just to expensive and she grows out of it in just months. I decided to buy little and cheap while I can. She will soon grow up and have her own style and desires that won't be so easy to say no to. The girlie stuff is fun but I'm more practical and you can still be girlie without all the frilly stuff :) enjoy and have fun! This is an exciting time. I second what Heather said, the aunts and uncles will bein buying as well. We love you guys!!

Lisa said...

Heather, the room is hot pink, light pink, turquoise, and green. I also have used a pale pink fairy print. Basically anything pink. Lol

Brenda, I hear you. I am all about practical. Zoe is a cutie every time I see her. Miss all of you.

Love you!

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